We often get asked how do we support children to be ready for school.
How do we teach them their ‘ABC’s and 123’s?
The response that we have towards this is often met with surprise.
We do not sit children down to learn their A,B,C’s and to count. We let children PLAY.
We do not give children homework books. We leave this for when they go to school.
PLAY is what supports children’s readiness for school. As a team at IMPACT we have a clear vision of how we view school readiness and how we implement this into our kaupapa. Our view is underpinned by research and longitudinal studies on brain development.
PLAY is a powerful tool that we dont take for granted as your child will use PLAY to explore many differrent cognitive and social concepts. PLAY supports your child to work collaboratively with their peers, concentrate and follow through with tasks, encourages them to be creative, exploring language and self-expression, building confidence, developing gross and fine motor skills.
We believe that when we support children with a holistic manner then they will thrive, their self esteem and confidence will grow which will in turn give them an array of skills that they can utilize not only during their transition to school but also throughout their lives.